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Welcome to your next chapter!

Empowering Sporting Professionals and Midlife Adults to Achieve Their Full Potential and Create a Life and Future They Feel Proud Of

Does this sound like you?

  • Navigating Career Transitions: Struggling with the shift from active sports to retirement or a new career path can be overwhelming. We'll work together to help you find clarity and direction during this significant change.
  • Balancing Personal and Professional Life: Juggling the demands of your career with personal well-being and relationships can be challenging. Coaching can help you achieve harmony and fulfilment in all areas of life.
  • Overcoming Self-Doubt: Midlife and career transitions often bring self-doubt and uncertainty about the future. We provide the tools and support you need to build confidence and trust in your abilities.
  • Reconnecting with Your True Self: Losing touch with your passions or feeling disconnected from your identity can be disheartening. We guide you in rediscovering who you are and what truly matters to you.
  • Managing Stress and Mental Health: High pressure and change can lead to stress and impact your mental health. Our holistic approach addresses these issues, focusing on mental fitness and emotional resilience.
  • Setting and Achieving Personal Goals: Finding it hard to set meaningful goals or stay motivated? We work with you to define your vision and create actionable plans to achieve your aspirations.
  • Creating a Fulfilling Life Post-Retirement: Wondering how to find purpose and satisfaction after leaving a professional sports career? We support you in crafting a fulfilling and purposeful new chapter.
  • Lacking Clarity About the Future: Feeling uncertain or unclear about your next steps can be paralysing. We help you gain the clarity and insight needed to confidently find your path.
  • Coping with Divorce, Separation or Relationship Breakdown: Going through a divorce, separation or experiencing a breakdown in a relationship can be emotionally draining and disruptive. We offer support to help you navigate this challenging period, rebuild your confidence, and create a positive path forward.

Hi, I’m Simon, the founder of Worth Talking, set up in 2018. 

We specialise in supporting sporting professionals and midlife adults who are navigating significant changes or challenges.

Our mission is to help you explore and connect with your true self, develop the confidence and clarity you need, and pursue a future that's truly on your terms.

Why work with me?

  • Tailored Coaching for Sporting Professionals: Whether you're transitioning from an active career or seeking balance while staying in the game, our personalised coaching will help you redefine success and achieve your goals whilst developing and maintaining mental fitness. 

  • Empowering Midlife Transformation: Facing changes or challenges in your midlife can be daunting. I'm here to guide you through this journey, helping you embrace your potential and create a life you're proud of. 

  • Mental Fitness and Self-Identity: We focus on strengthening your mental fitness and helping you discover and connect with your true self. By enhancing your inner relationship, we empower you to confidently navigate life's changes and challenges with resilience and clarity.


What I Offer


1:1 Coaching Sessions

Personalised coaching tailored to your unique needs, helping you navigate challenges, set achievable goals, and celebrate your successes.


Positive Intelligence® 6-Week Foundation Course

Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don't build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires consistent daily practice. And that's what our PQ®  programme empowers you to do.

How it works:

  • App Based
  • Daily Practice - 15 mins per day
  • Weekly Focus - Hour long video
  • Measurable Progress
  • Community Support 
  • Weekly group call (max 5 people)
  • Certificate of Completion

Accredited Licensed Practitioner high-res-LP-300x218

Motivational Maps® Reports & Debrief Sessions


  • Personal Development
  • Self-Awareness & Understanding
  • Individual & Team Performance
  • Individual & Team Appraisals
  • Recruitment & Retention of Staff

Benefits & Outcomes

  • Enhanced self-awareness, to increased motivation and performance
  • Improved engagement and productivity
  • Better career and recruitment choices and selections

"I experienced a number of major transitions in both my personal and professional life, which left me feeling lost, alone and low in confidence. I reached out to Simon to help me process my anxiety and tackle the challenge of building my new life under the most difficult of circumstances.

Simon seeks to understand my situation and helps me come up with actionable solutions that keep me moving towards the business and lifestyle that I want.

Throughout the process Simon has been authentic, empathetic and non-judgemental when I have needed to offload my stress, as well as an insightful sounding board as I progress towards my personal and business goals. He helped me identify and prioritise the main pain points in my life/business so that I could set meaningful goals to work towards.

In the months since I started working with Simon I have stabilised my life, achieved clarity on my direction and reclaimed self confidence".

Emma - Gymnast, Weightlifter, Mentor and Coach
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Ready to start your journey?

Take the first step towards a future you can be proud of. Book a free consultation today and discover how I can help you unlock your true potential.